Tuesday, August 28, 2012

1 week

1 week....1 week...1 week already! WOW! Seems like just yesterday we were heading to the hospital, in disbelief of what was about to happen. I know moms say this, but it's so true- You can never ever explain how much a mama can love her baby(ies). I feel like I'd do ANYTHING for my little boy and I want to protect him all the time! Petey and I both just love staring at our sweet angel boy and love hugging and kissing him even more! 

Cole Ethan Babb is just the most precious, sweet boy ever! He has been so laid back and easy thus far, we are really spoiled! Our sweet boy was so tiny when he was born, people were a little worried and said they'd be watching his weight closely. Well, Cole beat all odds and actually GAINED 2 ounces in the hospital! And then another 4 ounces in the first two days he was home! His pediatrician was so proud of him and so are we!! :)

He loves bath time, skin-to-skin time with daddy, and being swddled and snuggled by mommy! He is eating every 2-3 hours during the day and sleeps for one good 5-6 hour stretch at night! Which is awesome!! His pediatrician told us to start letting him sleep as long as he wants at night since he's gaining weight so well!

Sweet baby Cole has some really cute nuances already. He loves to stretch, stretch, stretch! He stretches out his legs and arms, flailing them about all the time. He sneezes in twos and has hiccups about twice a day {just like when he was in the womb}. When he yawns, he yawns SO long and SO big and shakes his entire body at the end. He loves to grunt all the time! We have yet to hear him cry very much {knock on wood...} we are hoping it stays that way! :)

We love you more than words can say baby Cole!

Saturday, August 25, 2012

39 weeks and a delivery

August 16th...39 weeks pregnant...just an ordinary day...or so I thought...

{Last preggo picture taken}

The day began with taking hubs to work, heading to the gym, babysitting for one of my friends, making dinner, picking hubs up from work, etc. I decided to relax by taking a nice warm bath and reading for a good hour. We went to bed fairly late {as usual} and I was asleep by midnight. Around 1am I felt a very sharp pinch and then a slow flow of liquid. I sat up immediately and told Petey that I thought my water broke. To which he replied, "Are you sure you didn't just pee yourself?!" Haha! Yes, definitely sure! I proceeded to gush for about 30 minutes before I decided to call the off hours nurse line and they told me to come in within the hour. 

So, if I was going to deliver this baby tonight, I better feel/look good while doing so! Thus, I showered, did my hair, put make-up on, made sure our bags had everything they needed, swept and mopped the floors then I woke Petey up and said it was time to go! By this time it was 3:30am and I began feeling my contractions. About 4-5 minutes apart, lasting less than a minute. We arrived to the hospital at 4am and checked into a triage room where they hooked me up to the monitors to begin tracking my contractions and baby Cole's heartbeat. 

When we arrived to the hospital I was only 1cm dilated...this was going to be a loooooong night! By 6am we were rolled into our L&D room and I was about 3 1/2 cm by now. Contractions were still going steady as before but feeling a bit more intense. By 9am my OB came to visit me. I was so happy she was on call that weekend! I was still at 3 1/2 cm dilated, so we decided to start pitocin. As my contractions progressed, I decided not to suffer through them anymore and get my epidural....ahhhh, relief! :)

For the next few hours, Petey and I tried to get some rest. But, unfortunately, I couldn't sleep. I was too excited! People were in and out the whole time monitoring my progress and the baby's heart rate. We were both doing well. Until I began feeling more and more pain. I had to start focusing and breathing through my contractions. My nurse didn't like how much pain I was in since I shouldn't have been feeling much of anything so she decided to call the anesthesiologist to give me another shot.

Well the anesthesiologist was tied up with two other women in front of me so I had to wait. Before he came my nurse checked me again and I was 10 cm and it was time to push! Eeek, no more pain meds!

After 2 1/2 long hours of pushing our we got to meet our sweet boy! 

Cole Ethan Babb
Born on Friday, August 17th @ 4:29pm
5 lbs. 9 oz. 19.5 inches

Love my little boy! :)

Sunday, August 5, 2012

fully cooked!

Baby Babb is fully cooked...full term, that is! So excited to be so close! I've been having mixed emotions about these last few weeks. I want to meet Cole so badly that I've been hoping he's early. But then again, I've been reminded over and over to just enjoy these last few {quiet} moments! :)

So, that's what I've been doing! Making sure to take naps daily, spend quality time with baby daddy, and hanging out with girlfriends as much as possible. 

Happy 37 weeks baby cole!