i must say, hubs and i were pretty nervous/excited about this first appointment. first of all, we found out we were pregnant a short THREE weeks into pregnancy. most women don't find out until they are at least 6 weeks along. so this first trimester has been a slow climb. secondly, for some odd reason, people like to tell you about their sad stories with early miscarriages and such. thirdly, my friend had a dream we were having twins and then i kept having dreams we were having twins! fourthly, we'd be able to see inside my belly at our little miracle for the FIRST TIME EVER in either of our lives. so, can you see why we were just a ball of mixed emotions?!!!
we had our appointment monday morning at 11. i was up bright and early eager to get the day
started! when we got to the office they took us back to the ultrasound room. i couldn't believe it was actually OUR turn to do this! when the dr. came in she began right away. she looked inside my womb and said, "Well, you are definitely knocked up!" haha! we both laughed and she let Petey see the screen first. she said since i got to see the pregnancy test before him, he gets to see our baby before me. Petey's face looked surprised, happy, relieved and amazed! i started crying before she even turned the screen toward me...big surprise! it was crazy just starring at our little bean! we saw the heart just flickering away! then the dr. started looking around more. i asked, jokingly, if she was looking for the other one. she said, "Well, I thought there might be." WHAT?!?!?! Apparently, my uterus is large for an 8wk old baby. However, she confirmed that
there was, in fact, only ONE. Phew! Don't get me wrong, we'd be thrilled...SHOCKED first, but thrilled if there were 2! :)
All in all, we have a healthy, growing bean! Due date is August 23, 2012. Stay turned...